Source code for retools.lock

"""A Redis backed distributed global lock

This code uses the formula here:

It provides several improvements over the original version based on:

It provides a few improvements over the one present in the Python redis
library, for example since it utilizes the Lua functionality, it no longer
requires every client to have synchronized time.

# Copyright 2010,2011 Chris Lamb <>

import time
import uuid
import random

from retools import global_connection

acquire_lua = """
local result ='SETNX', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])
if result == 1 then'EXPIRE', KEYS[1], ARGV[2])
return result"""

release_lua = """
if'GET', KEYS[1]) == ARGV[1] then
    return'DEL', KEYS[1])
return 0

[docs]class Lock(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, key, expires=60, timeout=10, redis=None): """Distributed locking using Redis Lua scripting for CAS operations. Usage:: with Lock('my_lock'): print "Critical section" :param expires: We consider any existing lock older than ``expires`` seconds to be invalid in order to detect crashed clients. This value must be higher than it takes the critical section to execute. :param timeout: If another client has already obtained the lock, sleep for a maximum of ``timeout`` seconds before giving up. A value of 0 means we never wait. :param redis: The redis instance to use if the default global redis connection is not desired. """ self.key = key self.timeout = timeout self.expires = expires if not redis: redis = global_connection.redis self.redis = redis self._acquire_lua = redis.register_script(acquire_lua) self._release_lua = redis.register_script(release_lua) self.lock_key = None
def __enter__(self): self.acquire() def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.release() def acquire(self): """Acquire the lock :returns: Whether the lock was acquired or not :rtype: bool """ self.lock_key = uuid.uuid4().hex timeout = self.timeout retry_sleep = 0.005 while timeout >= 0: if self._acquire_lua(keys=[self.key], args=[self.lock_key, self.expires]): return timeout -= 1 if timeout >= 0: time.sleep(random.uniform(0, retry_sleep)) retry_sleep = min(retry_sleep*2, 1) raise LockTimeout("Timeout while waiting for lock") def release(self): """Release the lock This only releases the lock if it matches the UUID we think it should have, to prevent deleting someone else's lock if we lagged. """ if self.lock_key: self._release_lua(keys=[self.key], args=[self.lock_key]) self.lock_key = None
[docs]class LockTimeout(BaseException): """Raised in the event a timeout occurs while waiting for a lock"""