Source code for retools.cache


Cache regions are used to simplify common expirations and group function

To indicate functions should use cache regions, apply the decorator::

    from retools.cache import cache_region

    def myfunction(arg1):
        return arg1

To configure the cache regions, setup the :class:`~retools.cache.CacheRegion`

    from retools.cache import CacheRegion

    CacheRegion.add_region("short_term", expires=60)

import cPickle
import time
from datetime import date

from retools import global_connection
from retools.exc import CacheConfigurationError
from retools.lock import Lock
from retools.lock import LockTimeout
from retools.util import func_namespace
from retools.util import has_self_arg

from functools import wraps

class _NoneMarker(object):
NoneMarker = _NoneMarker()

[docs]class CacheKey(object): """Cache Key object Generator of cache keys for a variety of purposes once provided with a region, namespace, and key (args). """ def __init__(self, region, namespace, key, today=None): """Setup a CacheKey object The CacheKey object creates the key-names used to store and retrieve values from Redis. :param region: Name of the region :type region: string :param namespace: Namespace to use :type namespace: string :param key: Key of the cached data, to differentiate various arguments to the same callable """ if not today: today = str( self.lock_key = 'retools:lock:%s:%s:%s' % (region, namespace, key) self.redis_key = 'retools:%s:%s:%s' % (region, namespace, key) self.redis_hit_key = 'retools:hits:%s:%s:%s:%s' % ( today, region, namespace, key) self.redis_miss_key = 'retools:misses:%s:%s:%s:%s' % ( today, region, namespace, key) self.redis_keyset = 'retools:%s:%s:keys' % (region, namespace)
[docs]class CacheRegion(object): """CacheRegion manager and configuration object For organization sake, the CacheRegion object is used to configure the available cache regions, query regions for currently cached keys, and set batches of keys by region for immediate expiration. Caching can be turned off globally by setting enabled to False:: CacheRegion.enabled = False Statistics should also be turned on or off globally:: CacheRegion.statistics = False However, if only some namespaces should have statistics recorded, then this should be used directly. """ regions = {} enabled = True statistics = True @classmethod
[docs] def add_region(cls, name, expires, redis_expiration=60 * 60 * 24 * 7): """Add a cache region to the current configuration :param name: The name of the cache region :type name: string :param expires: The expiration in seconds. :type expires: integer :param redis_expiration: How long the Redis key expiration is set for. Defaults to 1 week. :type redis_expiration: integer """ cls.regions[name] = dict(expires=expires, redis_expiration=redis_expiration)
@classmethod def _add_tracking(cls, pipeline, region, namespace, key): """Add's basic set members for tracking This is added to a Redis pipeline for a single round-trip to Redis. """ pipeline.sadd('retools:regions', region) pipeline.sadd('retools:%s:namespaces' % region, namespace) pipeline.sadd('retools:%s:%s:keys' % (region, namespace), key) @classmethod
[docs] def invalidate(cls, region): """Invalidate an entire region .. note:: This does not actually *clear* the region of data, but just sets the value to expire on next access. :param region: Region name :type region: string """ redis = global_connection.redis namespaces = redis.smembers('retools:%s:namespaces' % region) if not namespaces: return None # Locate the longest expiration of a region, so we can set # the created value far enough back to force a refresh longest_expire = max( [x['expires'] for x in CacheRegion.regions.values()]) new_created = time.time() - longest_expire - 3600 for ns in namespaces: cache_keyset_key = 'retools:%s:%s:keys' % (region, ns) keys = set(['']) | redis.smembers(cache_keyset_key) for key in keys: cache_key = 'retools:%s:%s:%s' % (region, ns, key) if not redis.exists(cache_key): redis.srem(cache_keyset_key, key) else: redis.hset(cache_key, 'created', new_created)
[docs] def load(cls, region, namespace, key, regenerate=True, callable=None, statistics=None): """Load a value from Redis, and possibly recreate it This method is used to load a value from Redis, and usually regenerates the value using the callable when provided. If ``regenerate`` is ``False`` and a ``callable`` is not passed in, then :obj:`~retools.cache.NoneMarker` will be returned. :param region: Region name :type region: string :param namespace: Namespace for the value :type namespace: string :param key: Key for this value under the namespace :type key: string :param regenerate: If False, then existing keys will always be returned regardless of cache expiration. In the event that there is no existing key and no callable was provided, then a NoneMarker will be returned. :type regenerate: bool :param callable: A callable to use when the cached value needs to be created :param statistics: Whether or not hit/miss statistics should be updated :type statistics: bool """ if statistics is None: statistics = cls.statistics redis = global_connection.redis now = time.time() region_settings = cls.regions[region] expires = region_settings['expires'] redis_expiration = region_settings['redis_expiration'] keys = CacheKey(region=region, namespace=namespace, key=key) # Create a transaction to update our hit counter for today and # retrieve the current value. if statistics: p = redis.pipeline(transaction=True) p.hgetall(keys.redis_key) p.get(keys.redis_hit_key) p.incr(keys.redis_hit_key) results = p.execute() result, existing_hits = results[0], results[1] if existing_hits is None: existing_hits = 0 else: existing_hits = int(existing_hits) else: result = redis.hgetall(keys.redis_key) expired = True if result and now - float(result['created']) < expires: expired = False if (result and not regenerate) or not expired: # We have a result and were told not to regenerate so # we always return it immediately regardless of expiration, # or its not expired return cPickle.loads(result['value']) if not result and not regenerate: # No existing value, but we were told not to regenerate it and # there's no callable, so we return a NoneMarker return NoneMarker # Don't wait for the lock if we have an old value if result and 'value' in result: timeout = 0 else: timeout = 60 * 60 try: with Lock(keys.lock_key, expires=expires, timeout=timeout): # Did someone else already create it? result = redis.hgetall(keys.redis_key) now = time.time() if result and 'value' in result and \ now - float(result['created']) < expires: return cPickle.loads(result['value']) value = callable() p = redis.pipeline(transaction=True) p.hmset(keys.redis_key, {'created': now, 'value': cPickle.dumps(value)}) p.expire(keys.redis_key, redis_expiration) cls._add_tracking(p, region, namespace, key) if statistics: p.getset(keys.redis_hit_key, 0) new_hits = int(p.execute()[0]) else: p.execute() except LockTimeout: if result: return cPickle.loads(result['value']) else: # log some sort of error? return NoneMarker # Nothing else to do if not recording stats if not statistics: return value misses = new_hits - existing_hits if misses: p = redis.pipeline(transaction=True) p.incr(keys.redis_hit_key, amount=existing_hits) p.incr(keys.redis_miss_key, amount=misses) p.execute() else: redis.incr(keys.redis_hit_key, amount=existing_hits) return value
[docs]def invalidate_region(region): """Invalidate all the namespace's in a given region .. note:: This does not actually *clear* the region of data, but just sets the value to expire on next access. :param region: Region name :type region: string """ CacheRegion.invalidate(region)
def invalidate_callable(callable, *args): """Invalidate the cache for a callable :param callable: The callable that was cached :type callable: callable object :param \*args: Arguments the function was called with that should be invalidated. If the args is just the differentiator for the function, or not present, then all values for the function will be invalidated. Example:: @cache_region('short_term', 'small_engine') def local_search(search_term): # do search and return it @cache_region('long_term') def lookup_folks(): # look them up and return them # To clear local_search for search_term = 'fred' invalidate_function(local_search, 'fred') # To clear all cached variations of the local_search function invalidate_function(local_search) # To clear out lookup_folks invalidate_function(lookup_folks) """ redis = global_connection.redis region = callable._region namespace = callable._namespace # Get the expiration for this region new_created = time.time() - CacheRegion.regions[region]['expires'] - 3600 if args: try: cache_key = " ".join(map(str, args)) except UnicodeEncodeError: cache_key = " ".join(map(unicode, args)) redis.hset('retools:%s:%s:%s' % (region, namespace, cache_key), 'created', new_created) else: cache_keyset_key = 'retools:%s:%s:keys' % (region, namespace) keys = set(['']) | redis.smembers(cache_keyset_key) p = redis.pipeline(transaction=True) for key in keys: p.hset('retools:%s:%s:%s' % (region, namespace, key), 'created', new_created) p.execute() return None invalidate_function = invalidate_callable
[docs]def cache_region(region, *deco_args, **kwargs): """Decorate a function such that its return result is cached, using a "region" to indicate the cache arguments. :param region: Name of the region to cache to :type region: string :param \*deco_args: Optional ``str()``-compatible arguments which will uniquely identify the key used by this decorated function, in addition to the positional arguments passed to the function itself at call time. This is recommended as it is needed to distinguish between any two functions or methods that have the same name (regardless of parent class or not). :type deco_args: list .. note:: The function being decorated must only be called with positional arguments, and the arguments must support being stringified with ``str()``. The concatenation of the ``str()`` version of each argument, combined with that of the ``*args`` sent to the decorator, forms the unique cache key. Example:: from retools.cache import cache_region @cache_region('short_term', 'load_things') def load(search_term, limit, offset): '''Load from a database given a search term, limit, offset.''' return database.query(search_term)[offset:offset + limit] The decorator can also be used with object methods. The ``self`` argument is not part of the cache key. This is based on the actual string name ``self`` being in the first argument position:: class MyThing(object): @cache_region('short_term', 'load_things') def load(self, search_term, limit, offset): '''Load from a database given a search term, limit, offset.''' return database.query(search_term)[offset:offset + limit] Classmethods work as well - use ``cls`` as the name of the class argument, and place the decorator around the function underneath ``@classmethod``:: class MyThing(object): @classmethod @cache_region('short_term', 'load_things') def load(cls, search_term, limit, offset): '''Load from a database given a search term, limit, offset.''' return database.query(search_term)[offset:offset + limit] .. note:: When a method on a class is decorated, the ``self`` or ``cls`` argument in the first position is not included in the "key" used for caching. """ def decorate(func): namespace = func_namespace(func, deco_args) skip_self = has_self_arg(func) regenerate = kwargs.get('regenerate', True) @wraps(func) def cached(*args): if region not in CacheRegion.regions: raise CacheConfigurationError( 'Cache region not configured: %s' % region) if not CacheRegion.enabled: return func(*args) if skip_self: try: cache_key = " ".join(map(str, args[1:])) except UnicodeEncodeError: cache_key = " ".join(map(unicode, args[1:])) else: try: cache_key = " ".join(map(str, args)) except UnicodeEncodeError: cache_key = " ".join(map(unicode, args)) def go(): return func(*args) return CacheRegion.load(region, namespace, cache_key, regenerate=regenerate, callable=go) cached._region = region cached._namespace = namespace return cached return decorate